Interface ITrackDBConnection

  • public interface ITrackDBConnection
    This is the public interface for track/event database connections for any project that depends on a database for tracks and events created for the Data Mining Lab at Georgia State University
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Method Detail

      • getAllEvents

        List<ISTTrackingEvent> getAllEvents​(EventType type)
        Retrieves all of the IEvents of a particular type from the database.
        type - The type of IEvent to retrieve from the database. Like Active Region or Coronal Hole etc.
        All of the IEvents from the database based on whatever internal configuration the implementing class has.
      • insertTracks

        void insertTracks​(List<ISTTrackingTrajectory> tracks,
                          int expId)
        Inserts the links between the IEvents in each of the ITracks. This assumes that the IEvents in each ITrack are contained in the database already.
        tracks - The list of tracks to insert into the database.
        expId - The id of the experiment, since we will most likely be doing this on more than one occasion and want to keep results separated, this is used to denote which experiment these results came from.
      • getAllTracks

        List<ISTTrackingTrajectory> getAllTracks​(EventType type,
                                                 int expId)
        Retrieves the tracks from the database from a particular experiment.
        type - The type of IEvents to retrieve.
        expId - The id of the experimental results to retrieve.
        All of the tracks from the experiment indicated by the id.