Class GeneralSTInterpolationEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IBaseTemporalObject, ISpatialTemporalObj, ISTInterpolationEvent

    public class GeneralSTInterpolationEvent
    extends GeneralSTObject
    implements ISTInterpolationEvent
    Is an event object used to represent a single detection of a solar event taken from HEK. This object contains the logic needed for interpolation. Mainly the ability to update the interval of this event and an indicator of it being interpolated or not.
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University Michael Tinglof, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeneralSTInterpolationEvent

        public GeneralSTInterpolationEvent​(org.joda.time.Interval timePeriod,
                                           EventType type,
                                           org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
        Default constructor that assumes that the object is representing an interpolated event object.
        timePeriod - The valid time for this event representation.
        type - The type of event that this object represents.
        geometry - The geometry of this object.
      • GeneralSTInterpolationEvent

        public GeneralSTInterpolationEvent​(int id,
                                           org.joda.time.Interval timePeriod,
                                           EventType type,
                                           org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
        Constructor that assumes the object is representing an object from the database and not one that has been interpolated.
        id - The id of the event in the database so we can reference back to the database to store the interpolated objects between this and another one from the database.
        timePeriod - The valid time for this event representation.
        type - The type of event that this object represents.
        geometry - The geometry of this object.
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public int getId()
        Description copied from interface: ISTInterpolationEvent
        Returns the primary key Id in a database, of the event that this object represents
        Specified by:
        getId in interface ISTInterpolationEvent
        id of the event that this object represents if the event was already stored in the database. This will be -1 for objects created by interpolation because they have yet to be stored in the database.
      • isInterpolated

        public boolean isInterpolated()
        Description copied from interface: ISTInterpolationEvent
        Returns an indicator of whether the trajectory is interpolated or not. This is just so we can have an indicator of this.
        Specified by:
        isInterpolated in interface ISTInterpolationEvent
        True if the trajectory is interpolated, false if it is not.
      • updateTimePeriod

        public void updateTimePeriod​(org.joda.time.Interval period)
        Description copied from interface: ISTInterpolationEvent
        Updates the time period that this object is valid
        Specified by:
        updateTimePeriod in interface ISTInterpolationEvent
        period - the new period for this object to be considered valid over
      • getType

        public EventType getType()
        Description copied from interface: ISTInterpolationEvent
        Returns the type of event that this object represents. It is usually a two letter designation such as AR for Active IRegion, SS for Sun Spot etc.
        Specified by:
        getType in interface ISTInterpolationEvent
        the type of event that this object represents.