Class ImageDBFitsHeaderData

  • public class ImageDBFitsHeaderData
    extends Object
    The header data associated with a particular image in the database. It contains the x,y center of the sun location within that image. The radius of the sun in the image. The observed distance to the sun when the image was taken. And the number of arc/sec per pixel in the image.
    For details see: AIA FITS Keywords
    Dustin Kempton, modified by Azim Ahmadzadeh, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      double CDELT
      I believe the number of degrees per pixel on the observed image.
      double DSUN
      The distance to the sun observed at the time of the image that this header came from.
      int QUALITY
      A quality flag that is provided by JSOC.
      double R_SUN
      The solar radius observed in the image that this header data comes from.
      double X0
      The x pixel location where the center of the solar radius is on the image this header data comes from.
      double Y0
      The y pixel location where the center of the solar radius is on the image this header data comes from.
    • Field Detail

      • X0

        public double X0
        The x pixel location where the center of the solar radius is on the image this header data comes from.
        AIA FITS Keywords: Reference pixel along array axis j with the center of the lower left pixel numbered 1 (not 0), i, i.e., the location of disk center in x and y directions on image, where CRPIX1 = X0_MP + 1, CRPIX2 = Y0_MP + 1.
      • Y0

        public double Y0
        The y pixel location where the center of the solar radius is on the image this header data comes from.
        AIA FITS Keywords: Reference pixel along array axis j with the center of the lower left pixel numbered 1 (not 0), i, i.e., the location of disk center in x and y directions on image, where CRPIX1 = X0_MP + 1, CRPIX2 = Y0_MP + 1.
      • R_SUN

        public double R_SUN
        The solar radius observed in the image that this header data comes from.
        AIA FITS Keywords: Radius of the Sun’s image in pixels on the CCD detector, for the visible light (float).
      • DSUN

        public double DSUN
        The distance to the sun observed at the time of the image that this header came from.
        AIA FITS Keywords: Distance from Sun center to SDO in m (double)
      • CDELT

        public double CDELT
        I believe the number of degrees per pixel on the observed image.
        AIA FITS Keywords: Pixel spacing per index value along image axis I, equal to IM_SCALE except at higher levels when the image has been rescaled (CDELT1, CDELT2 in x, y directions, respectively).
      • QUALITY

        public int QUALITY
        A quality flag that is provided by JSOC.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImageDBFitsHeaderData

        public ImageDBFitsHeaderData()