Interface ISearchWindow

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ExpandedResWindow, SearchWindow

    public interface ISearchWindow
    Interface for search windows in a Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Iterator<ColMajorCell> iterator()
      Method that returns an iterator that produces the index pairs of all the cells within this window
      int maxI()
      Method that returns the maximum value of I in this search window, where I is the column index in an (I,J) = (Column, Row) matrix indexing scheme
      int maxJ()
      Method that returns the maximum value of J in this search window, where J is the row index in an (I,J) = (Column, Row) matrix indexing scheme
      int maxJforI​(int i)
      Method that returns the maximum value of J in this search window at position I, where J is the row index in an (I,J) = (Column, Row) matrix indexing scheme
      int minI()
      Method that returns the minimum value of I in this search window, where I is the column index in an (I,J) = (Column, Row) matrix indexing scheme
      int minJ()
      Method that returns the minimum value of J in this search window, where J is the row index in an (I,J) = (Column, Row) matrix indexing scheme
      int minJforI​(int i)
      Method that returns the minimum value of J in this search window at position I, where J is the row index in an (I,J) = (Column, Row) matrix indexing scheme
      int size()
      Method that returns the size of the search window
    • Method Detail

      • minI

        int minI()
        Method that returns the minimum value of I in this search window, where I is the column index in an (I,J) = (Column, Row) matrix indexing scheme
        The minimum value I takes in this window
      • maxI

        int maxI()
        Method that returns the maximum value of I in this search window, where I is the column index in an (I,J) = (Column, Row) matrix indexing scheme
        The maximum value I takes in this window
      • minJ

        int minJ()
        Method that returns the minimum value of J in this search window, where J is the row index in an (I,J) = (Column, Row) matrix indexing scheme
        The minimum value J takes in this window
      • maxJ

        int maxJ()
        Method that returns the maximum value of J in this search window, where J is the row index in an (I,J) = (Column, Row) matrix indexing scheme
        The maximum value J takes in this window
      • minJforI

        int minJforI​(int i)
        Method that returns the minimum value of J in this search window at position I, where J is the row index in an (I,J) = (Column, Row) matrix indexing scheme
        The minimum value J takes in this window
      • maxJforI

        int maxJforI​(int i)
        Method that returns the maximum value of J in this search window at position I, where J is the row index in an (I,J) = (Column, Row) matrix indexing scheme
        The maximum value J takes in this window
      • size

        int size()
        Method that returns the size of the search window
      • iterator

        Iterator<ColMajorCell> iterator()
        Method that returns an iterator that produces the index pairs of all the cells within this window
        Iterator used to iterate over the cells in the search window