Class AggregateShapeSeries

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IAggregateShapeSeries, IShapeSeries

    public class AggregateShapeSeries
    extends ShapeSeries
    implements IAggregateShapeSeries
    Shape series class that shrinks the length and resolution of a series by averaging consecutive point ranges into a single representative point. The number of points averaged from a consecutive range is dependent upon the length of the input shape series and the desired size after being resized.
    Thomas Abeel, Stan Salvador,, refactored by Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Constructor Detail

      • AggregateShapeSeries

        public AggregateShapeSeries​(ISeriesAlignmentFactory factory,
                                    IShapeSeries ts,
                                    int shrunkSize)
        factory - Factory object used for construction of various objects used and returned by this object
        ts - The input shape series to be represented by this reduced resolution series
        shrunkSize - The size of this series after reduction of the input series
    • Method Detail

      • aggregatePtSize

        public int aggregatePtSize​(int idx)
        Description copied from interface: IAggregateShapeSeries
        Method that returns the number of points that were used to produce the aggregate point at the indicated index of the time series.
        Specified by:
        aggregatePtSize in interface IAggregateShapeSeries
        idx - The index of the point to get the information for
        The number of points in the original time series that were used to produce the aggregate point