Interface IInterpolationFactory

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IInterpolationFactory
    The public interface for classes that will be used to create objects used in trajectory interpolation.
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Method Detail

      • getSTEvent

        ISTInterpolationEvent getSTEvent​(org.joda.time.Interval timePeriod,
                                         EventType type,
                                         org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
        Gets a new event report object that assumes that the object is representing an interpolated event object.
        timePeriod - The valid time for the event representation.
        type - The type of event that the object represents.
        geometry - The geometry of the object.
        A new ISTInterpolationEvent object with the passed in information
      • getSTEvent

        ISTInterpolationEvent getSTEvent​(int id,
                                         org.joda.time.Interval timePeriod,
                                         EventType type,
                                         org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
        Gets an event report object is representing an object from the database and not one that has been interpolated.
        id - The id of the event in the database so we can reference back to the database to store the interpolated objects between the object and another one from the database.
        timePeriod - The valid time for the event representation.
        type - The type of event that the object represents.
        geometry - The geometry of the object.
        A new ISTInterpolationEvent object with the passed in information
      • getSTTrajectory

        ISTInterpolationTrajectory getSTTrajectory​(List<ISTInterpolationEvent> events)
        Gets a trajectory object that contains the list of ISTInterpolationEvents that are passed in trajectory.
        events - The set of event detections that compose the trajectory
        A new ISTInterpolationTrajectory object that contains the passed in detection reports.