Class SuccessiveShortestPaths

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SuccessiveShortestPaths
    extends Object
    implements ITrackingGraphProblemSolver
    This class is used to find the optimal flow through the passed in SimpleDirectedWeightedGraph where some of the edges are negative and the graph is a DAG.
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Constructor Detail

      • SuccessiveShortestPaths

        public SuccessiveShortestPaths()
    • Method Detail

      • solve

        public List<ISTTrackingTrajectory[]> solve​(ITrackingGraph graph)
        Description copied from interface: ITrackingGraphProblemSolver
        Solves the optimal multi-commodity flow problem and returns a list of keys for the edges that are used in the solution.
        Specified by:
        solve in interface ITrackingGraphProblemSolver
        graph - The graph to solve the multi-commodity flow problem on.
        A list of two key pairs that represent the edges that are used in the solution. Where the first key is the head vertex of the edge and the second key is the tail vertex of the edge.