Class ImgParamNormalizer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ImgParamNormalizer
    extends Object
    implements IImgParamNormalizer
    ImgParamNormalizer class simply does min-max normalization on the passed in array of parameter values.
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImgParamNormalizer

        public ImgParamNormalizer​(HashMap<Integer,​double[]> rangeMap)
        Constructor that takes in the set of min-max pair for each dimension the parameter arrays this object is meant to normalize. Any values will be clipped to outside the ranges will be clipped to be the edge value.
        rangeMap - The set of min-max pairs for each dimension of the passed in parameter arrays.
    • Method Detail

      • normalizeParameterValues

        public void normalizeParameterValues​(double[][][] parameters)
        Description copied from interface: IImgParamNormalizer
        Normalizes the parameter values to have a range between 0..1 inclusive, based upon the range of values expected for the particular parameter and not the values seen in the given input.
        Specified by:
        normalizeParameterValues in interface IImgParamNormalizer
        parameters - The input to normalize.