Class ImgSparseMaxPoolPyramidProducer

    • Constructor Detail

      • ImgSparseMaxPoolPyramidProducer

        public ImgSparseMaxPoolPyramidProducer​(ISparseMatrixApproximator coefExtractor,
                                               smile.math.matrix.DenseMatrix dictionary)
    • Method Detail

      • getPooledCoefficients

        public smile.math.matrix.SparseMatrix[] getPooledCoefficients​(smile.math.matrix.DenseMatrix vectorizedImg)
                                                               throws VectorDimensionMismatch
        Description copied from interface: IPooledCoefProducer
        Calculates the coefficients on the vectorized image and the pools them. The first vector represents the final pooled vector, the following vectors should represent the layer just under the final pooled layer.
        Specified by:
        getPooledCoefficients in interface IPooledCoefProducer
        vectorizedImg - The vectorized image to calculate the coefficients on and then pool.
        An array of pooled vectors.
        VectorDimensionMismatch - If there is a mismatch between the image and the dictionary within the pooling coef producer.