Interface IEdgeDetector

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    CannyEdgeDetector, CannyEdgeDetectorOpenImaj

    public interface IEdgeDetector
    The interface for classes that do edge detection on source images.
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      double[][] getEdges​(double[][] sourceImg, double[] colors)
      This method extracts the edges of the given image by following the following three steps: 1) Compute gradient, 2) Perform Hysteresis, 3) Thresholding.
    • Method Detail

      • getEdges

        double[][] getEdges​(double[][] sourceImg,
                            double[] colors)
        This method extracts the edges of the given image by following the following three steps: 1) Compute gradient, 2) Perform Hysteresis, 3) Thresholding.
        sourceImg - The source image whose edges are to be extracted.
        colors - An array of length two that specofies the background and edge color of the finla results. The first cell carries the background color intensity and its second cell carries the foreground color intensity. (Examples: new double{0.0, 255.0})
        A 2D binary array representing the edges and the background.