Interface ISTTrackingEventIndexer

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    BasicEventIndexer, TreeBasedEventIndexer

    public interface ISTTrackingEventIndexer
    extends IIndexer<ISTTrackingEvent>
    This interface is for indexes that will index ISTTrackingEvent based on the IIndexer generic interface. It has the added function of requiring the ability to get the expected change in the number of event detections per frame for a period in the index.
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Method Detail

      • getExpectedChangePerFrame

        int getExpectedChangePerFrame​(org.joda.time.Interval timePeriod)
        Computes the expected change in the number of detections in each frame. The length of the frame is set internally but the time that this expected change is to be computed over is passed in as a parameter.
        timePeriod - The period over which the expected change is to be computed.
        The expected change in the number of detections per frame based on the passed in period of time.
      • getTypeIndexed

        EventType getTypeIndexed()
        Returns the event type that is indexed in this event indexer.
        Event type of the events in the indexer.