Class KMeansFilamentEndpointFinder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class KMeansFilamentEndpointFinder
    extends Object
    implements ISTEndpointFinder
    An end point finder that is used to approximately align two filament detections, this is used to initialize a more fine grained alignment performed within this object. The method being implemented is from the polygon interpolation methods described in Boubrahimi et. al, 2018.
    Soukaina Filali, updated by Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Constructor Detail

      • KMeansFilamentEndpointFinder

        public KMeansFilamentEndpointFinder()
        Constructor that assumes percentage of maximal distance coordinates from the centroid is 20 and the number of clusters to use is 2.
      • KMeansFilamentEndpointFinder

        public KMeansFilamentEndpointFinder​(int numClusters,
                                            double percentageCoordinate)
        Constructor that takes in values for the number of clusters to use when attempting to find the end point and the percentage of the maximal distance coordinates from the centroid of a polygon should be used in those clusters
        numClusters - Number of clusters to use when finding the end point
        percentageCoordinate - Percentage of points ordered by their distance from the centroid to use, where range is 0..1.
    • Method Detail

      • findBestEndpoint

        public org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate findBestEndpoint​(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon densifiedGeometry)
        Returns the best end point between the end point pairs. A best end point is the one that has the highest y coordinate (Filaments do not tilt more than 40 degrees).
        Specified by:
        findBestEndpoint in interface ISTEndpointFinder
        densifiedGeometry - The geometry object to find the best end point on
        A coordinate that is considered to be the best based on some criteria
      • findEndpointsfromClusters

        public org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair<org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate,​org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate> findEndpointsfromClusters​(List<KMeansFilamentEndpointFinder.Cluster> clusters)
        Finds the most distant pairs of coordinates belonging to 2 different clusters
        clusters -
        the two endpoints of a polygon