Class ESGrowthMiner

  • public class ESGrowthMiner
    extends ESMiner
    Algorithm can be found in: Berkay Aydin, and Rafal Angryk. "Discovering spatiotemporal event sequences." ACM SIGSPATIAL - MobiGIS, 2016. or Berkay Aydin, and Rafal A. Angryk. "A graph-based approach to spatiotemporal event sequence mining." ICDMW, 2016.
    Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Constructor Detail

      • ESGrowthMiner

        public ESGrowthMiner​(SequenceGraph esGraph,
                             double threshold)
        Given an event sequence graph (esGraph), and a prevalence threshold for the frequency of the STESs, this finds all the STESs using the instance sequences from the event sequence graph.
        esGraph - - Event Sequence Graph
        threshold - - prevalence index threshold