Class CorrelationDictionaryCleaner

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CorrelationDictionaryCleaner
    extends Object
    implements IDictionaryCleaner
    Class used to update a dictionary used in sparse coding. This is generally done during the dictionary learning process. If elements are highly correlated one is selected for replacement with a randomly drawn signal from the input.
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Constructor Detail

      • CorrelationDictionaryCleaner

        public CorrelationDictionaryCleaner()
    • Method Detail

      • cleanDictionary

        public void cleanDictionary​(smile.math.matrix.DenseMatrix dictionary,
                                    List<double[]> input,
                                    smile.math.matrix.DenseMatrix gram)
        Description copied from interface: IDictionaryCleaner
        Cleans the dictionary based on some algorithm given the input matrices.
        Specified by:
        cleanDictionary in interface IDictionaryCleaner
        dictionary - Dictionary to clean.
        input - The input being used to create the dictionary, possibly for sampling a new element. The list is composed of a set of column vectors.
        gram - The Gram matrix of the dictionary that shows how correlated each element is with each other.