Interface ITemporalAligner

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ITemporalAligner
    This is the public interface for performing minor adjustments to the timestamp of a spatiotemporal event report to align with an epoch and step size in interpolation methods described in Boubrahimi et. al, 2018.
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Method Detail

      • alignEventsForStepFromEpoch

        ISTInterpolationTrajectory alignEventsForStepFromEpoch​(ISTInterpolationTrajectory input)
        Takes all of the event reports within the trajectory and aligns them to an integer multiple of some step size starting from some epoch. The original input data should remain unchanged and new instances of each of the objects that compose the trajectory should be created.
        input - The input trajectory that will be processed.
        A new trajectory with each of the internal event reports aligned so that their time stamps are an integer multiple of some step size starting from some epoch.