Class ParallelGraphAssociationProblem

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ParallelGraphAssociationProblem
    extends Object
    implements ISTAssociationProblem
    This class is the graph used to find the optimal multi-commodity flow and then use the results to associate the tracks into longer tracks. This class partitions the data set based on start time of each track and processes these partitions in parallel at the solving step as they are mutually disjoint.
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University Michael Tinglof, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Constructor Detail

      • ParallelGraphAssociationProblem

        public ParallelGraphAssociationProblem​(List<ISTTrackingTrajectory> tracks,
                                               ITrackingGraphProblemFactory factory,
                                               ISTEdgeWeightCalculator weightCalculator,
                                               int numPartitions)
        Constructor constructs a new object.
        tracks - The tracks to solve the association problem on.
        factory - A factory for creating stuff that this object needs.
        weightCalculator - Calculates the weight for the edges in the graphs that are used for the association problem.
        numPartitions - The number of partitions to break the global problem into. This equates to how many graphs to create and solve the association problem on, where each graph is solved independently as another problem at the same time. They are then all merged for a global solution.