Interface ISTFrameSkipModel

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    BinomialFrameSkipModel, FrameSkipModel

    public interface ISTFrameSkipModel
    The public interface for models of frame skipping that return the probability of two track fragments being from the same object, given the number of skipped frames between them. From Kempton et. al 2015 and 2018.
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Method Detail

      • getSkipProb

        double getSkipProb​(ISTTrackingTrajectory leftTrack,
                           ISTTrackingTrajectory rightTrack)
        Returns the probability of two track fragments being from the same object, given the number of skipped frames between them.
        leftTrack - The track fragment that is earlier in time.
        rightTrack - The track fragment that is later in time.
        The probability of the two fragments being the same object only based on the number of skipped frames between them.