Interface ISTImageDBConnection

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    HelioviewerPullingAIAImageDBConnection, ImageDBConnection, NonCacheImageDBConnection

    public interface ISTImageDBConnection
    This is the public interface for image database connections for any project that depends on the image/image parameter database created for the Data Mining Lab at Georgia State University
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      BufferedImage getFirstFullImage​(org.joda.time.Interval period, Waveband wavelength)
      Gets the first full resolution image in the database that happens after the start time of the input interval, at a given wavelength.
      BufferedImage getFirstImage​(org.joda.time.Interval period, Waveband wavelength)
      Gets the first thumbnail image in the database that happens after the start time of the input interval, at a given wavelength.
      smile.math.matrix.SparseMatrix getFirstImageSparseVectForId​(org.joda.time.Interval period, int id)
      Gets only the top level sparse image descriptor for the image with the given id, in the given month.
      BufferedImage getFullImgForId​(org.joda.time.Interval period, int id)
      Gets the full resolution image in the month that the period begins that has the passed in id value.
      ImageDBFitsHeaderData getHeaderForId​(org.joda.time.Interval period, int id)
      Gets the header information for the image in the month that the period begins that has the passed in id value.
      ImageDBDateIdPair[] getImageIdsForInterval​(org.joda.time.Interval period, Waveband wavelength)
      Gets the image ids from the month that the input period begins through either the end of the period or the end of the month, which ever comes first.
      smile.math.matrix.DenseMatrix[] getImageParamForEv​(ISpatialTemporalObj event, ImageDBWaveParamPair[] params, boolean leftSide)
      Gets the image parameters for the given image parameter wavelength pair array that intersect the MBR of the IEvent passed in.
      smile.math.matrix.DenseMatrix[] getImageParamForId​(org.joda.time.Interval period, int id)
      Gets the full disk set of image parameters for all image parameters of the image with the given id in the month that the given input period starts.
      double[][][] getImageParamForWave​(ISpatialTemporalObj event, Waveband wavelength, boolean leftSide)
      Gets the image parameters for the given wavelength that intersect the MBR of the IEvent that is passed in.
      smile.math.matrix.SparseMatrix[] getImageSparseVectForId​(org.joda.time.Interval period, int id)
      Gets all of the sparse image descriptor vectors for the image with the given id, in the given month.
      BufferedImage getImgForId​(org.joda.time.Interval period, int id)
      Gets the thumbnail image in the month that the period begins that has the passed in id value.
    • Method Detail

      • getImageParamForWave

        double[][][] getImageParamForWave​(ISpatialTemporalObj event,
                                          Waveband wavelength,
                                          boolean leftSide)
                                   throws SQLException
        Gets the image parameters for the given wavelength that intersect the MBR of the IEvent that is passed in. The parameters are in the form [x][y][paramId]
        event - The event that we want the image parameters for.
        wavelength - The wavelength of image that we want the parameters of.
        leftSide - If left side, we use the end time of the IEvent, if not we use the begin time.
        The image parameters that intersect the MBR.
      • getImageParamForEv

        smile.math.matrix.DenseMatrix[] getImageParamForEv​(ISpatialTemporalObj event,
                                                           ImageDBWaveParamPair[] params,
                                                           boolean leftSide)
                                                    throws SQLException
        Gets the image parameters for the given image parameter wavelength pair array that intersect the MBR of the IEvent passed in. The parameters are in the from that each matrix represents a particular image parameter at a given wavelength that corresponds to the position they were in on the params array.
        event - The event that we want the image parameters for.
        params - The array of specific parameter/wavelength pairs that we wish to get.
        leftSide - If left side, we use the end time of the IEvent, if not we use the begin time.
        The image parameters that intersect the MBR.
      • getFirstImage

        BufferedImage getFirstImage​(org.joda.time.Interval period,
                                    Waveband wavelength)
                             throws SQLException,
        Gets the first thumbnail image in the database that happens after the start time of the input interval, at a given wavelength.
        period - The period to start the search from.
        wavelength - The wavelength of Image we wish to get.
        The first image starting after the period begin time.
        SQLException - If something went wrong with the server.
        IOException - If something went wrong with the decoding of the image.
      • getFirstFullImage

        BufferedImage getFirstFullImage​(org.joda.time.Interval period,
                                        Waveband wavelength)
                                 throws SQLException,
        Gets the first full resolution image in the database that happens after the start time of the input interval, at a given wavelength.
        period - The period to start the search from.
        wavelength - The wavelength of Image we wish to get.
        The first image starting after the period begin time.
        SQLException - If something went wrong with the server.
        IOException - If something went wrong with the decoding of the image.
      • getImgForId

        BufferedImage getImgForId​(org.joda.time.Interval period,
                                  int id)
                           throws SQLException,
        Gets the thumbnail image in the month that the period begins that has the passed in id value.
        period - The month in which to get the image.
        id - The id associated with the image we wish to get.
        The buffered image with the given id from the given month.
        SQLException - If something went wrong with the server.
        IOException - If something went wrong with decoding of the image
      • getFullImgForId

        BufferedImage getFullImgForId​(org.joda.time.Interval period,
                                      int id)
                               throws SQLException,
        Gets the full resolution image in the month that the period begins that has the passed in id value.
        period - The month in which to get the image.
        id - The id associated with the image we wish to get.
        The buffered image with the given id from the given month.
        SQLException - If something went wrong with the server.
        IOException - If something went wrong with decoding of the image
      • getImageIdsForInterval

        ImageDBDateIdPair[] getImageIdsForInterval​(org.joda.time.Interval period,
                                                   Waveband wavelength)
                                            throws SQLException
        Gets the image ids from the month that the input period begins through either the end of the period or the end of the month, which ever comes first. The ids will be for the input wavelength of images only.
        period - The period over which we wish to get Ids for.
        wavelength - The wavelength of images we wish to get Ids for.
        The Date and Id pairs of all the images in the range and of the input wavelength.
      • getImageParamForId

        smile.math.matrix.DenseMatrix[] getImageParamForId​(org.joda.time.Interval period,
                                                           int id)
                                                    throws SQLException
        Gets the full disk set of image parameters for all image parameters of the image with the given id in the month that the given input period starts.
        period - The month in which we wish to get the parameters for.
        id - The id of the image in the given month.
        The set of full disk parameters for the image with the given id.
      • getImageSparseVectForId

        smile.math.matrix.SparseMatrix[] getImageSparseVectForId​(org.joda.time.Interval period,
                                                                 int id)
                                                          throws SQLException
        Gets all of the sparse image descriptor vectors for the image with the given id, in the given month.
        period - The month we wish to query from
        id - The id of the image we wish to query.
        The set of all sparse image descriptors for the given image.
        SQLException - When something with the server failed.
      • getFirstImageSparseVectForId

        smile.math.matrix.SparseMatrix getFirstImageSparseVectForId​(org.joda.time.Interval period,
                                                                    int id)
                                                             throws SQLException
        Gets only the top level sparse image descriptor for the image with the given id, in the given month.
        period - The month we wish to query.
        id - The id of the image we wish to query.
        The top level descriptor for the given image.
        SQLException - When something with the server failed.
      • getHeaderForId

        ImageDBFitsHeaderData getHeaderForId​(org.joda.time.Interval period,
                                             int id)
                                      throws SQLException
        Gets the header information for the image in the month that the period begins that has the passed in id value.
        period - The month in which to get the image header.
        id - The id associated with the image header we wish to get.
        The header for the image in the month requested.
        SQLException - When something with the serve failed.