Class PoissonObsModel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PoissonObsModel
    extends Object
    implements ISTObsModel
    This class is used to calculate the observation cost of a given track using a Poisson model of observation that uses the change in the number of events detected in the current frame from the previous. It also uses the average from a number of pervious frames.
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Constructor Detail

      • PoissonObsModel

        public PoissonObsModel​(ISTTrackingEventIndexer evntsIdxr,
                               int span)
        evntsIdxr - Indexer which is used to get the expected change per frame.
        span - The time span, in seconds, to calculate the expected change per frame on. (probably spanOf event type times the number of frames over which to calculate).
    • Method Detail

      • getObsProb

        public double getObsProb​(IBaseTemporalObject ev)
        Description copied from interface: ISTObsModel
        Returns the probability of an event being a true observation based on some model of observation.
        Specified by:
        getObsProb in interface ISTObsModel
        ev - The event to calculate the observation probability on.
        The probability of the event being a true detection with range [0,1].