Class BaseEdgeWeightCalculator

    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseEdgeWeightCalculator

        public BaseEdgeWeightCalculator​(ISTLocationProbCal enterLocProbCalc,
                                        ISTLocationProbCal exitLocProbCalc,
                                        ISTObsModel obsModel)
        Constructor that uses the default values for entExitMult, obsMult, and assocMult.
        enterLocProbCalc - The model used for calculating enter probability on a track.
        exitLocProbCalc - The model used for calculating exit probability on a track.
        obsModel - The model used for calculating the probability of a track being plausible.
      • BaseEdgeWeightCalculator

        public BaseEdgeWeightCalculator​(ISTLocationProbCal enterLocProbCalc,
                                        ISTLocationProbCal exitLocProbCalc,
                                        ISTObsModel obsModel,
                                        double entExitMult,
                                        double obsMult,
                                        double assocMult)
        enterLocProbCalc - The model used for calculating enter probability on a track.
        exitLocProbCalc - The model used for calculating exit probability on a track.
        obsModel - The model used for calculating the probability of a track being plausible.
        entExitMult - The multiplier for enter and exit probabilities.
        obsMult - The multiplier for the observation edge.
        assocMult - The multiplier for the association edge.
    • Method Detail

      • sourceEdgeWeight

        public double sourceEdgeWeight​(ISTTrackingEvent event)
        Description copied from interface: ISTEdgeWeightCalculator
        Returns the weight for an edge from the source to the vertex representing the passed in event.
        Specified by:
        sourceEdgeWeight in interface ISTEdgeWeightCalculator
        event - The event to calculate the edge weight for.
        The edge weight for the edge from the source
      • sinkEdgeWeight

        public double sinkEdgeWeight​(ISTTrackingEvent event)
        Description copied from interface: ISTEdgeWeightCalculator
        Returns the weight for an edge from the vertex representing the passed in event to the sink.
        Specified by:
        sinkEdgeWeight in interface ISTEdgeWeightCalculator
        event - The event to calculate the edge weight for.
        The edge weight for the edge to the sink
      • observationEdgeWeight

        public double observationEdgeWeight​(ISTTrackingEvent event)
        Description copied from interface: ISTEdgeWeightCalculator
        Returns the weight for an edge that goes between the two vertices that represent the passed in event. The weight represents the probability of this event being a true detection as opposed to a false detection.
        Specified by:
        observationEdgeWeight in interface ISTEdgeWeightCalculator
        event - The event to calculate the edge weight for.
        A value representing how likely it is that the given event is a true detection.
      • associationEdgeWeight

        public double associationEdgeWeight​(ISTTrackingTrajectory leftTrack,
                                            ISTTrackingTrajectory rightTrack)
        Description copied from interface: ISTEdgeWeightCalculator
        Returns the weight for an edge that goes between the second vertex of the first track to the first vertex of the second track. This weight represents how likely it is that these two tracks represent the same object at different times.
        Specified by:
        associationEdgeWeight in interface ISTEdgeWeightCalculator
        leftTrack - The earlier track
        rightTrack - The later track
        A value representing how likely it is that the two tracks represent the same object.