Class EdgeWeightCalculatorStageThree

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class EdgeWeightCalculatorStageThree
    extends BaseEdgeWeightCalculator
    An implementation of the edge weight calculation based upon the third stage in Kempton et. al 2015 and 2018. It utilizes the components of appearance, frame skip, and motion similarity to calculate the edge weight.
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Constructor Detail

      • EdgeWeightCalculatorStageThree

        public EdgeWeightCalculatorStageThree​(ISTLocationProbCal enterLocProbCalc,
                                              ISTLocationProbCal exitLocProbCalc,
                                              ISTObsModel obsModel,
                                              ISTAppearanceModel appearanceModel,
                                              ISTFrameSkipModel skipModel,
                                              ISTMotionModel motionModel)
        enterLocProbCalc - The model used for calculating enter probability on a track.
        exitLocProbCalc - The model used for calculating exit probability on a track.
        obsModel - The model used for calculating the probability of a track being plausible.
        appearanceModel - The model used for calculating the probability of two tracks being linked base on their visual similarity.
        skipModel - The model used for calculating the probability that a track skipped n frames before being detected again.
        motionModel - The model used for calculating the probability of two tracks being linked based on their similarity of movement.
      • EdgeWeightCalculatorStageThree

        public EdgeWeightCalculatorStageThree​(ISTLocationProbCal enterLocProbCalc,
                                              ISTLocationProbCal exitLocProbCalc,
                                              ISTObsModel obsModel,
                                              ISTAppearanceModel appearanceModel,
                                              ISTFrameSkipModel skipModel,
                                              ISTMotionModel motionModel,
                                              double entExitMult,
                                              double obsMult,
                                              double assocMult)
        enterLocProbCalc - The model used for calculating enter probability on a track.
        exitLocProbCalc - The model used for calculating exit probability on a track.
        obsModel - The model used for calculating the probability of a track being plausible.
        appearanceModel - The model used for calculating the probability of two tracks being linked base on their visual similarity.
        skipModel - The model used for calculating the probability that a track skipped n frames before being detected again.
        motionModel - The model used for calculating the probability of two tracks being linked based on their similarity of movement.
        entExitMult - The multiplier for enter and exit probabilities.
        obsMult - The multiplier for the observation edge.
        assocMult - The multiplier for the association edge.
      • EdgeWeightCalculatorStageThree

        public EdgeWeightCalculatorStageThree​(ISTLocationProbCal enterLocProbCalc,
                                              ISTLocationProbCal exitLocProbCalc,
                                              ISTObsModel obsModel,
                                              ISTAppearanceModel appearanceModel,
                                              ISTFrameSkipModel skipModel,
                                              ISTMotionModel motionModel,
                                              double entExitMult,
                                              double obsMult,
                                              double assocMult,
                                              double appearWeight,
                                              double skipWeight,
                                              double motionWeight)
        enterLocProbCalc - The model used for calculating enter probability on a track.
        exitLocProbCalc - The model used for calculating exit probability on a track.
        obsModel - The model used for calculating the probability of a track being plausible.
        appearanceModel - The model used for calculating the probability of two tracks being linked base on their visual similarity.
        skipModel - The model used for calculating the probability that a track skipped n frames before being detected again.
        motionModel - The model used for calculating the probability of two tracks being linked based on their similarity of movement.
        entExitMult - The multiplier for enter and exit probabilities.
        obsMult - The multiplier for the observation edge.
        assocMult - The multiplier for the association edge.
        appearWeight - The weight for the appearance model values in the association edge values.
        skipWeight - The weight for the skip model values in the association edge values.
        motionWeight - The weight for the motion model values in the association edge values.