Interface ISTEventTrackingFactory

  • public interface ISTEventTrackingFactory
    The public interface for classes that shall be used to create the objects used in event tracking.
    Dustin Kempton, Data Mining Lab, Georgia State University
    • Method Detail

      • getTrack

        ISTTrackingTrajectory getTrack​(ISTTrackingEvent event)
        Creates a new track containing the passed in IEvent object.
        event - The IEvent for the track to contain.
        The track containing the passed in IEvent.
      • getAssociationProblem

        ISTAssociationProblem getAssociationProblem​(List<ISTTrackingTrajectory> tracks,
                                                    ISTTrackingEventIndexer evntsIdxr,
                                                    int stage)
        Produces a new Graph that depicts the possible paths tracks can take through multiple shorter track fragments.
        tracks - List of track fragments to build the association graph from.
        evntsIdxr - The indexer of the events that are contained in all the tracks passed in. Which is used to calculate the expected change in the number of detections over a period of time.
        stage - The stage which the association problem shall be used. This matters because we calculate the weights differently based on what stage we are in.
        The graph of possible association paths.
      • getSkipModel

        ISTFrameSkipModel getSkipModel()
        Gets a model for producing probability values based on the number of skipped frames after a particular track another track starts.
        The fame skip model.
      • getEnterModel

        ISTLocationProbCal getEnterModel()
        Gets a model for producing probability values based on the input objects location and size to represent how likely the input object is to be the beginning of a track.
        The enter model object.
      • getExitModel

        ISTLocationProbCal getExitModel()
        Gets a model for producing probability values based on the input objects location and size to represent how likely the input object is to be the end of a track.
        The exit model object.
      • getMotionModel

        ISTMotionModel getMotionModel()
        Gets a model for producing probability values based on how similar the movement of two input tracks is.
        The motion model object.
      • getObservationModel

        ISTObsModel getObservationModel​(ISTTrackingEventIndexer evntsIdxr)
        Gets a model for producing probability values to indicate how likely an object is a true detection of an event or is a false detection.
        evntsIdxr - An indexer object that contains event count per frame data for event reports in the temporal vicinity of an input object
        The observation model
      • getAppearanceModel

        ISTAppearanceModel getAppearanceModel​(ImageDBWaveParamPair[] params)
        Gets a model for producing probability values to indicate how visually similar two tracks are at their point of possible joining.
        params -